Commonwealth Scholarships (Fully Funded)

commonwealth scholarships


Start your educational journey in the UK. The Commonwealth Scholarship is open right now. We shall go into great detail about this scholarship in this article, including its application advantages and detailed application instructions.

For international students pursuing master’s and doctoral degrees, the Commonwealth award is a fully financed award. The Commonwealth Scholarship covers the cost of tuition at an accredited university, a monthly living allowance of £1,347, a return economy flight to the UK, as well as additional grants and allowances for other necessary expenses.

The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission offers three Master’s degree degrees, one of which was nominated by the organization.

The UK government’s scholarship program is run by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC), with a focus on goals for world development. It functions within the parameters of the CSFP (Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan) and provides a striking illustration of the UK’s ongoing dedication to the Commonwealth. The CSC’s work combines sustainable development with the UK national interest and creates opportunities for global partnerships and collaboration by attracting people from all backgrounds with exceptional talent and discernible potential and assisting them in becoming leaders and innovators upon returning to their home countries.

For candidates from the Commonwealth’s least developed nations and fragile states, as defined by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), Commonwealth PhD Scholarships are available for full-time doctoral study at a UK university.

The UK government’s scholarship programme is run by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC), with a focus on goals for world development. It functions within the parameters of the CSFP (Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan) and provides a striking illustration of the UK’s ongoing dedication to the Commonwealth. The CSC’s work combines sustainable development with the UK national interest and creates opportunities for global partnerships and collaboration by attracting people from all backgrounds with exceptional talent and discernible potential and assisting them in becoming leaders and innovators upon returning to their home countries.

Commonwealth Scholarship

Country: United Kingdom (UK)

Educational Level: Masters / Ph.D.

Institution(s): UK Universities. Full List here.

Programs Offered: Masters degree are teach full-time for one year in any subject, and doctoral programs require 36 months of full-time study in a particular area of research.

Scholarship Period: Depends on the selected program 

Commonwealth Scholarship Benefits

The following advantages are given to the recipient of a Commonwealth Scholarship:

Those seeking master’s degrees:

▪ Flights from the Scholar’s home country to the UK and back at the conclusion of the award that have been approved (the CSC will not cover the cost of flights for dependents or trips taken before the award is confirmed).

▪ Approved tuition costs: The CSC and the UK institution have an agreement that covers all costs; Scholars are not required to pay any portion of the tuition costs.

▪ Stipend (living allowance) of £1,347 per month or, for those attending universities in the London metropolitan area, £1,652 per month (rates indicated at current levels).

▪ If appropriate, a clothing allowance for warmth.

▪ Grant for study-related travel for the purpose of paying for domestic or international travel expenses.

▪ If a Scholar has children and is widowed, divorced, or a single parent, they are eligible for a child allowance of £576.61 for the first child and £143 for each additional kid under the age of 16 who lives with them at the same UK location.

PhD candidates:

▪ Flights from the Scholar’s home country to the UK and back at the conclusion of the award that have been approved (the CSC will not cover the cost of flights for dependents or trips taken before the award is confirmed).

▪ Approved tuition costs: The CSC and the UK institution have an agreement that covers all costs; Scholars are not required to pay any portion of the tuition costs.

▪ Stipend (living allowance) of £1,347 per month or, for those attending universities in the London metropolitan area, £1,652 per month (rates indicated at current levels).

▪ If appropriate, a clothing allowance for warmth.

▪ Grant for study-related travel for the purpose of paying for domestic or international travel expenses.

▪ When permitted, a contribution is made towards the expense of conducting fieldwork abroad (the price of one round-trip ticket in economy).

▪ Airfare for a paid midterm visit to the scholar’s home country, unless they have already obtained a return ticket for fieldwork or have plans to claim spouse and/or child allowances during their scholarship.

Eligibility Criteria for Commonwealth Scholarship

The following requirements must be met by applicants in order to be eligible for Commonwealth Scholarships:

Those seeking master’s degrees:

▪ Being a citizen of, or having received refugee status from, a Commonwealth nation that qualifies, or being a British Protected Person.

▪ Occupy a permanent residence in a Commonwealth nation.

▪ Be able to begin academic courses in the UK by September 2024, the commencement of the UK academic year.

▪ Possess a first degree with at least an upper second-class (2:1) honors grade by September 2024, or a lower second-class degree plus an appropriate postgraduate degree (often a Master’s degree)*. A second Master’s degree would not typically be funded by the CSC. Applicants who are requesting a second Master’s degree must explain why they want to pursue this course of study.

▪ If not for this scholarship, be unable to pay to attend school in the UK.

▪ Have delivered the necessary supplementary materials in the required format.

PhD candidates:

▪ Being a citizen of, or having received refugee status from, a Commonwealth nation that qualifies, or being a British Protected Person.

▪ Occupy a permanent residence in a Commonwealth nation.

▪ Be able to begin academic courses in the UK by September 2024, the commencement of the UK academic year.

▪ Possess a first degree with at least an upper second-class (2:1) honors grade by September 2024, or a lower second-class degree plus an appropriate postgraduate degree (often a Master’s degree)*.

▪ Not be enrolled in a PhD program or an MPhil that leads to a PhD before September or October 2024 in a UK university or in their home country.

▪ If not for this scholarship, be unable to pay to attend school in the UK.

▪ Have delivered the necessary supplementary materials in the required format.

How to apply?

Explore the Opportunities. The application process for scholarship is online only. Below is a link to the official website. 

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