Fully Funded Scholarship in Turkey | Bilkent University

fully funded scholarship in turkey


On October 20, 1984, Professor hsan Doramac, M.D., founded Bilkent University, the first private, nonprofit university in Turkey, with the primary goal of establishing a centre of excellence for higher education and research. This goal is exemplified by the name “Bilkent,” which is an abbreviation for “bilim kenti,” which means “city of learning and science” in Turkish. The university campus spans an area of more than 300 hectares and is situated off the main highway to Eskişehir about 12 kilometres (10 miles) west of the centre of Ankara.

Scholarship Summary

Host Country: Turkey
Host University: Bilkent University
City: Ankara
Offred by: Bilkent University
Educational Level: Bachelor, Master, PhD
Eligible Countries: All Countries
Application deadline: 31st  June 2023

About Scholarship

The student body of Bilkent University receives scholarships totaling about 43% of their tuition. None of these scholarships from Bilkent University impose any long-term requirements on its recipients.

International Students Scholarships
Financial aid applicants from abroad will be judged based on their high school grades and results from national and international exams.

Visit this website for more details: https://w3.bilkent.edu.tr/international/scholarships-for-international-students/ 

Depending on their placement through the Evaluation, Selection and Placement Centre (SYM), Turkish citizens may be eligible for a Full or 50% tuition scholarship. (There are several quotas in the SYM system for each scholarship status.) Based on their achievement on the university entrance exam, students who are already eligible for the Full Scholarship may also be eligible for the Comprehensive Scholarship. Scholarships from Bilkent University are not available to students who are replaced in the same department during the ensuing central placement period (with the exception of non-credit courses, GE100 and GE251 courses, and dropped courses). Students who receive a comprehensive or full scholarship and enrol in the summer school do not have to pay any tuition; those who receive a 50% scholarship must pay the whole course cost.

Full Scholarship
A student must be placed into a programme via the Full Scholarship quota as indicated in the Higher Education Programmes and Quotas Guide published by SYM in order to be eligible for a Full Scholarship. Full tuition is waived for students with full scholarships.

Comprehensive Scholarship
Full Scholarship students are eligible for a Comprehensive Scholarship if they are placed in a department with the same score type and placed in the top 10,000 students (within the ranking of 0.12 multiplier scores) in one of the score types SAY, EA, SZ, or in the top 250 in the score type DL.
The Comprehensive scholarship provides free housing in twin rooms in addition to a full tuition waiver (2,350 TL per month for 8 months per year for the academic year 2022-2023).  Any comprehensive scholar who opts not to live in dorms will also get a monthly stipend of 700 TL. A full scholarship is not available to students who have already earned a bachelor’s degree from an institution of higher learning.

50% Scholarship
A student must be admitted to a programme using the 50% Scholarship quota specified in the Higher Education Programmes and Quotas Guide published by SYM in order to be eligible for a 50% Scholarship. 50% of tuition is waived for students with 50% scholarships. If the pupils meet the requirements, they may potentially get a merit scholarship.

Talent-Based Scholarship
Students who perform well on the admission exam are eligible for talent-based scholarships from the Faculty of Music and Performing Arts. The continuation of the talent-based scholarship, which provides a partial tuition waiver, is contingent upon the student’s achievement in the classroom.
The talent-based award is non-refundable and includes either a full or partial tuition waiver. Its continuation is contingent upon the student’s academic performance.
It is regarded as a failure for the students to receive FZ in the English Preparatory Programme in terms of talent-based scholarships. (Students who receive an F on the ECA exam are not regarded as failing for scholarships.)
The scholarship committee decides and assesses the success criteria and the continuation of the scholarship for the students of music and performing arts.
Students enrolled in the undergraduate programme at the Faculty of Art, Design, and Architecture are required to take a certain number of required courses each semester and to maintain a grade point average of at least 1.80. (excluding non-credit courses, GE100 and GE251 courses and discontinued courses.).
The grade point average for music and performing arts scholarship recipients who studied abroad as exchange students in the two semesters prior will be based on the single semester grade average. The minimum course load that exchange students have taken from respective departments should result in passing marks for the exchange semester. The scholarship for failed students will be cancelled. Even if they succeed in the following years, students whose scholarships have been cancelled due to failure will not be eligible for a scholarship. Students who get disciplinary action will lose their scholarships. Internal transfer rules are crucial if students receiving talent-based scholarships seek to move to another department.

Merit Scholarship
Non-scholarship students who have completed the required course load and have a grade point average of 3.30 or higher are eligible to receive a merit scholarship for the following academic year if they are ranked in the top 5% of all non-scholarship students in the course (excluding any additional courses, withdrawn courses, GE 100-250-251, non-credit courses, repeated courses in the spring, already taken in the fall semester and non-credit courses). 50% In order to be eligible for a merit scholarship for the following academic year, scholarship students must be ranked in the top 3% of all scholarship students in their department, have completed at least the minimum curriculum course load (excluding any additional courses, withdrawn courses, GE 100-250-251, non-credit courses, and repeated courses in the spring that were already taken in the fall semester), and have achieved a grade point average of 3.30 or above for one academic year. Depending on the student’s rank, merit scholarships could waive all or part of the tuition. This kind of scholarship is not available to students in English or French Preparatory programmes.

Benefits of Bilknet University Scholarship

The financing provided by Bilkent University is as follows:
No tuition costs.
2,350 pounds per month, with the possibility of raises based on specialization.
Health insurance
Will provide with a laptop
A meal card.

Eligibility Criteria

▪  English is a required language.
▪  Every country in the globe is eligible
▪  When applying, high school graduates, undergraduates, and graduate students must have a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 2.80 / 4.00.

Required Documents

1. Graduation certificate and transcript
2. Letter of Intent
3. Passport copy
4. 2 letters of recommendation
5. Language certificate

How to apply?

1. Application Form for Undergraduate Degree Programs: from here
2. Application for Graduate Admission: from here
3. Official Website

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