How to Write a Letter of Recommendation?

A scholarship recommendation letter is a formal document written by someone who knows you well and can vouch for you to get a scholarship. It’s needed for almost every scholarship application. In this guide, we’ll help you write a good recommendation letter for a scholarship that will get the attention of the people who decide.

It’s also known as a reference letter. This letter talks about your qualifications, skills, and why you’re right for a scholarship. Usually, it’s written by a boss, teacher, or someone you’ve worked with. All fully funded scholarships need a recommendation letter.

Writing a Recommendation Letter from an Academic Advisor and an Employer

The first step is to get in touch with them. You should tell them about the scholarship, what it needs, and why you’re a good fit for it.

They will ask you some questions, and sometimes, teachers may have to fill out a form for you.

Some schools will send you a recommendation letter template to the email you give. So, you need to find a teacher who will be ready to do this online.

How to Format Your Recommendation Letter

Your recommendation letter should be short and clear, not too long.

Use School or Company Letterhead

At the top left corner of the page, put:

▪ The date

▪ Your name

▪ Your job or title

▪ School or company name

▪ Address

▪ City, State, ZIP Code

▪ Contact information (if you want)

▪ You can also put your information at the end of the paper on the left side.


Start your letter by saying nice things about the person you’re recommending. For example, “I am happy to recommend ‘John’ for a scholarship at your school.

Subsequent Paragraphs

In the ensuing paragraphs, provide a comprehensive account of your association with the applicant, whether through academic interactions or professional engagements. Elaborate on their skills, performance, expertise, and any other relevant information that substantiates their candidacy.

Conveying Qualities and Achievements

Dedicate the following paragraph to highlight their commendable qualities and achievements, writing why they are ideally suited for the role or scholarship. Make sure to include their soft skills as well.

A Convincing Conclusion

End your letter by saying that you believe in the person’s abilities and that they will do great in the scholarship. Say that you recommend them strongly and wish them luck in the future.

Example of Recommendation Letter
how to write a letter of recommendation
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