Scholarship in France International Master's Scholarships Program IDEX

Scholarships in France


Successful students have a wonderful opportunity to study abroad for free with the IDEX Master’s Scholarship in France for the  2023–2024 academic year. The Université Paris-Saclay, France’s top university, welcomes international students who are recipients of the IDEX scholarship. Promising candidates who aim to pursue their research and projects through the doctoral level are sought out for this master’s fellowship in France. This worldwide scholarship program seeks to reduce the financial burden on gifted foreign students while also granting them easy access to the best educational system.

Scholarship Summary

Host Country: France
Host University: Université Paris-Saclay

Offred by: IDEX Funding
Scholarship Name: International Master’s Scholarship 
Educational Level: Masters Programs

About Scholarship

Université Paris-Saclay seeks to facilitate the admission of highly qualified international students to the University, particularly those who wish to pursue doctoral-level research on an academic project. This is done by promoting international students’ access to the Master’s programmes offered by its faculties, component-institutions, and affiliated universities.

For the academic year 2023–2024, scholarships will be given out. These scholarships were created with IDEX funding from the 3rd Programme Investissements d’Avenir and are based on academic achievement. They are intended for students admitted to a Master’s programme offered by Université Paris-Saclay and provided by one of the following institutions: AgroParisTech, CentraleSupelec, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay (ENS Paris-Saclay), INSTN-CEA, Institut d’Opti (UVSQ).

Depending on their entry level (M1 or M2) and subject to completing the necessary number of credits to move on to the following year of study, these scholarships are given to students enrolled in a Master’s degree at Université Paris-Saclay for 1 or 2 years.

Pre-selection Process

▪ Scholarships are not given out automatically to students who are accepted into Master’s programmes.
▪ Please refer to the Eligibility requirements for additional details.
The admissions committee will choose students who qualify for a Paris-Saclay University IDEX scholarship from among those who have been accepted into a Master’s degree at the university.
Students can only apply if they get an email from Paris-Saclay University encouraging them to do so for a Paris-Saclay University IDEX scholarship.
There is no room for unsolicited applications.

Application Procedure

1) The link to an online application form will be automatically emailed to selected students.
Students who desire to apply must submit an online application after receiving this email and (required) the names and contact information of two referees (director of studies, professor, internship coordinator) who are prepared to offer a reference for the applicant.
2) A link to an online recommendation form will be issued by email to each of the candidate’s two designated references. Students will be required to finish and submit the form before the scholarship call’s deadline.
After each referee submits the form, the candidate is automatically notified.
3) Once both referees have submitted their recommendation forms, the scholarship application file will be deemed complete.
Please be aware that once the application is submitted, the candidate will not be notified.
The candidate is responsible for ensuring that both referees fill out and submit the form by the deadline specified in the email invitation.

Applications that aren’t complete or are submitted after the deadline will be rejected right away.

Eligibility Criteria

– Students accepted into one of the following schools’ Master’s programmes offered through Paris-Saclay University are eligible: AgroParisTech, CentraleSupelec, ENS Paris-Saclay, INSTN-CEA, IOGS, UEVE, UPSaclay, UVSQ. Only those of these pupils who respond positively to one of the following questions are permitted to apply:
– International students who have just arrived and are under 30 during the selection year.
– Foreign students who have resided in France for less than a year and who have either previously or currently engaged in a non-certificatory training programme or internship.
– Foreign-nationality students who have been studying in France for less than a year (type FFL).
– Students who have previously resided in France as part of a study-related mobility programme (such as Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degrees, exchange programmes, etc.) that did not result in certification.

All students who have been or are currently enrolled in a French higher education institution for academic purposes, with the exception of international students who are enrolled in a French higher education institution overseas, are disqualified.
– Students who have taken more than three years off from school in a row.
– Students who get any other form of financial aid that surpasses 650 euros per month.

In accordance with the IDEX scale of scholarships, Paris-Saclay University is implementing a bonus system for refugee students or students with subsidiary protection with the support of UNHCR (the UN Refugee Agency) and MEnS association (Migrants dans l’Enseignement supérieur/Migrants in Higher Education).
As soon as you submit your application for the master’s degree, please note in your statement of purpose if you are concerned about this situation.

Available Fields

All academic fields are available.
▪ All Master’s programmes for which Université Paris-Saclay is accredited, except for vocational training, are available.

Benefits Scholarships in France

▪ The Université Paris-Saclay scholarship is worth 10,000 euros each year. For the duration of the academic year and for a stretch of 10 straight months, Université Paris-Saclay pays it (September to June).
▪ Depending on the candidate’s country of origin, up to €1,000 can be given for travel and visa costs.
Only after arriving in France and enrolling in the programme to which they were admitted will laureates get their scholarship and reimbursement for travel expenses.

How to apply?

Apply here from official website

Application deadline

▪ Applicant selection deadline: May 10, 2023
▪ After being schoosen, deadline for applying for the scholarship: May 12, 2023
▪ Deadline for the reception of the recommendations from the 2 referees, and closure of the call: May 16, 2023
▪ Announcement of the results: end of June 2023

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